OwnZones White Label Solution

Multimedia Content Streaming Platform




Web application


UI, UX, Strategy, Concept


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Client - OwnZones

The client is a video, audio and print media content aggregation and delivery service enabling consumers to easily discover and customize the way they access, collect and subscribe to digital content from a single advertising-free space. At the same time, the service caters content creators/owners with a simple solution aimed at setting up an end-to-end subscription-based proprietary content streaming operation from their existing website.

BuiltWith Technologies

Authorization: Token based authentication

Front-end: Angular, React, PHP for server-side rendering Backend: REST service implemented using PHP CodeIgniter, MySQL database. Subscription management and payment gateway integrations: PayPal, Zuora using Hosted forms

Integration with external CMS platforms: WordPress, Drupal, SharePoint

OwnZones Case Study

Our Role / Scope

Edeja had full responsibility in line with the white label software architecture, frontend and backend development, testing and deployment.

Input: Legacy code of OwnZones existing consumer-facing platform, set of requirements for white label solution, UX/UI design, static CSS/HTML elements

About three years ago we decided that we want to be a technology-independent company. Almost the entire industry was dependent on third-party technology companies. They were building solutions for us outside of our own walls. We quickly realized that we need to build proprietary software in order to give our agents the best chance to win.

Adi Pavlovic

Director of Innovation at KW

Project Solution

By easily embedding a HTML code on their site and installing a configuration file on their server, a content creator can upload video, audio and text and start monetizing it. This key feature is implemented using Angular on the application frontend, thereby enabling the hosting of all content files on Ownzones servers.

The white label solution handles all backend processes in line with content distribution and security management, including content optimization, video transcoding, storage and streaming mechanisms, as well as content abuse/unauthorized viewing prevention. Edeja has gained an in-depth knowledge of the legacy system and was able to understand and encapsulate the logic of Ownzones content streaming service within the REST service business logic layer of the new system. Having REST service exposed, white label content providers can make full use of Ownzones infrastructure to syndicate their content in an optimal way. Edeja has also implemented the REST service cashing layer in order to improve system performance

The white label solution comes with interfaces for a number of popular content management systems and social media. Interfaces are available for WordPress, Drupal and Microsoft SharePoint, as well as for Facebook and other social media. Subscription management integration with Zuora is implemented on frontend using Hosted forms to provide consistent user experience

OwnZones Case Study

Final Results

Proof of concept and complete version 1.0 of Ownzones white label proprietary content streaming web application. Our client was satisfied with our efficiency and decided to continue the collaboration with Edeja on implementing new features.

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We had the pleasure of being a partner for companies from markets like Fintech, Health, Government, Security, Big Data & many more.

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